A central meeting!

Date: 2021-08-31
Views: 3

Xinhua News Agency reports that Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Military Commission and chairman of the Central Commission for Deepening Overall Reform, presided over the 21st meeting of the Central Commission for Deepening Overall Reform on The afternoon of August 30. Reviewed and adopted the 'on strengthening the antitrust and thorough going efforts to promote fair competition policy implementation opinion' and 'on the reform to perfect the systems and mechanisms to strengthen the management of strategic and security emergency supplies reserves several opinions,' about further lay the pollution prevention and control of the opinions of the battle ', 'about a more effective play to the functions of statistical supervision of opinion'.

The meeting stressed that enterprises should be guided and urged to obey the Leadership of the Party, obey and serve the overall situation of economic and social development, and encourage and support enterprises to play a positive role in promoting scientific and technological progress, flourishing the market economy, making people's lives easier and participating in international competition. Meanwhile, the national emergency reserve and pollution prevention and control were highlighted.

Data show that in 2020, 2.858 billion yuan of central emergency supplies were allocated to increase reserves to 4.458 billion yuan, 'a historic increase in reserves'. In addition, the recent performance of environmental protection industry is not particularly outstanding, the current market value of only 700 billion yuan. So is there a wave of opportunity?

Xi Jinping's Speech

Presiding over the meeting, Xi stressed that strengthening anti-monopoly and deepening the implementation of the fair competition policy are inherent requirements for improving the socialist market economic system. We need to foster a level playing field in the market, create broad development space for all types of market entities, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and better protect the rights and interests of consumers in accordance with the strategic vision of building a new development pattern, promoting high-quality development and promoting common prosperity.

National reserves are an important material basis for national governance. We need to strengthen the safety management of strategic and emergency supplies at the institutional level, strengthen the functions of strategic assurance, macro-control and emergency response, and enhance our ability to guard against major risks.

We need to consolidate our achievements in pollution prevention and control, take targeted, scientific, and law-based measures to ensure that our skies, waters, and land are clear, and that we use high-level protection to promote high-quality development and create high-quality lives, so as to build a beautiful China in which man and nature live in harmony. It is necessary to strengthen the function of statistical supervision, improve the quality of statistical data, and speed up the establishment of a systematic, coordinated, efficient and powerful statistical supervision system.

To guide and urge enterprises to obey the leadership of the Party

Since the 18th NATIONAL Congress of the CPC, we have made a series of major decisions on anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition, improved the fair competition system, reformed the market supervision system, strengthened anti-monopoly supervision, promoted the building of a high-standard market system, and promoted the formation of a unified, open market system with orderly competition, the meeting said. We intensified anti-monopoly supervision and investigated and dealt with monopoly and unfair competition of some platform companies in accordance with the law. Initial results have been achieved in preventing disorderly expansion of capital, and the order of fair competition in the market has steadily improved.

The meeting stressed that to plan as a whole development and security, efficiency and fairness, vitality and order, domestic and international, both on regulation and promote the development of two hands, two hands are hard, clear rules, to draw the bottom line, set up 'traffic light', lead to urge enterprises to obey the leadership of the party, to obey and serve the economic and social development overall situation, We will encourage and support enterprises to play an active role in promoting scientific and technological progress, prospering the market economy, making people's lives easier and participating in international competition.

We will speed up efforts to improve market access systems, review mechanisms for fair competition, oversight systems for fair competition in the digital economy, and systems for preventing and stopping abuse of administrative power to eliminate and restrict competition. We should adhere to the principle of 'unswervingly pursuing the development of two major enterprises' and promote sound interaction and coordinated development of large, medium and small enterprises. We will unswervingly promote high-level opening-up, protect property rights and intellectual property rights, and make our policies more transparent and predictable.

We should strengthen publicity and training on competition laws and policies, strengthen enterprises' awareness of fair competition, and guide the whole society to create a market environment that advocates, protects and promotes fair competition. We need to speed up the establishment of an all-directional, multi-tiered and multi-dimensional regulatory system, and ensure that oversight is carried out in all areas, both before and after the event, so as to plug regulatory loopholes and improve regulatory effectiveness. We will step up oversight and law enforcement, and strengthen law enforcement and justice in key areas such as platform economy, scientific and technological innovation, information security, and people's livelihood. We should improve the anti-monopoly mechanism and strengthen the anti-monopoly supervision force.

Strengthening national reserves

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, we have strengthened the top-level design of state reserves, deepened the reform of reserve management systems and mechanisms, implemented centralized and unified management of central government reserves, and accelerated the construction of an infrastructure network covering the whole country for the storage and transportation of goods and materials. The foundation and strength of national reserves have continued to grow, the meeting said. It has played an important role in preventing and defusing major risks and effectively responding to COVID-19.

The meeting stressed that China is a major country and must have national reserve strength and emergency response capacity commensurate with its status as a major country. We need to solve the problems of 'what to store', 'who to store', and 'how to store' in a coordinated way, systematically plan and scientifically optimize the categories, size, and structure of reserves, and speed up the supply of key goods and materials that fall short. To speed up and improve the unified strategy and emergency materials reserve system, adhere to government-led, social sharing, multivariate complementary, improve the central and local governments, physical objects and production capacity, with the combination of government and enterprise reserves mechanism, optimize the important material production support and regional layout, classification of grading and implement the responsibilities for reserves, perfect the reserve mode, the innovation mechanism of reserve management. We need to improve the market regulation mechanism for strategic reserves, enhance our capacity for commodity reserves and regulation, and better play the role of strategic reserves in stabilizing the market. We need to strengthen national reserve oversight and bring into play the combined efforts of professional oversight, industry oversight and territorial oversight.

Zhou Xuewen, a member of the CPC Central Committee and vice minister of the Ministry of Emergency Management, said at a press conference on May 7 that the ministry will continue to improve its ability to provide emergency supplies during the 14th Five-Year Plan period to meet the demand for emergency supplies in response to particularly major natural disasters. On the basis that the reserve of central emergency supplies covers all provinces, the central and western regions, especially areas at high risk of disasters and accidents, will be further allocated.

According to the measures to improve the capacity of emergency supplies, Zhou xuewen introduced that, first of all, the layout of central emergency supplies has been gradually optimized, the variety of emergency supplies has been constantly enriched, and the quantity has increased significantly. The number of central emergency supplies has increased to 113 nationwide, covering all 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government. The number of varieties in reserve has increased to 165, and the purchase of family emergency kits, assault boats, isolation belt excavators, reconnaissance drones, etc. In 2020, 2.858 billion yuan of central emergency supplies were allocated to increase reserves to 4.458 billion yuan, 'a historic increase in reserves'.

We will work hard to prevent and control pollution

The meeting pointed out that in recent years, the measures we have taken to prevent and control pollution have been more substantial, more vigorous and more effective than ever before. 'Difference' period, China's ecological civilization construction into the strategic direction, focusing on the carbon reduction promote reducing carbon reduction synergies, and promote comprehensive economic and social development green transformation, realize the ecological environment quality improvement from quantitative change to qualitative change of the critical period, the contradiction between pollution prevention and control of touch problem level deeper and wider field, also had higher requirements.

The meeting stressed that to maintain strength, stretching depth, broadening the scope, focus on pollution prevention and control of key areas and crucial links, concentrate on to conquer the people nearby prominent ecological environment problems, strengthen the coordinated control of pollutants and regional cooperative governance, overall water resources, water environment and water ecology management, promote the prevention and cure of soil pollution, strengthen management of solid waste and new pollutants, The import of 'foreign garbage' will be completely banned, and new breakthroughs will be made in pollution prevention and control in key regions, areas and key indicators. We need to bear in mind the integrity of the ecosystem, pay more attention to comprehensive, systematic and source governance, and speed up the establishment of systems and mechanisms that integrate planning, deployment, promotion, and assessment for reducing pollution and carbon emissions. We need to coordinate ecological protection and pollution prevention and control, strengthen zoning management and control of the ecological environment, protect and restore important ecosystems, carry out large-scale greening initiatives, and reduce pollutant emissions while expanding environmental capacity. We need to speed up adjustments in the industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure, and land use structure, strictly control access to projects related to the development of agriculture, energy, and environmental protection, and promote the efficient and efficient use of resources, and foster green and low-carbon new drivers of growth.

We will deepen reform of the system for promoting ecological progress, accelerate the establishment of a modern environmental governance system, comprehensively strengthen legal safeguards, improve environmental and economic policies, and improve the mechanism for funding. We will strengthen systematic and whole-process oversight, show no leniency in dealing with environmental violations, and severely punish environmental crimes. We should take measures tailored to local conditions and adopt differentiated policies, rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach.

At present, the environmental protection industry is worth about 700 billion yuan. In fact, solid waste, water treatment, household waste, soil remediation will not only improve people's lives, but also brewing great opportunities. Some research institutions have pointed out that with the rapid growth of China's energy conservation and environmental protection industry, the total output value of China's energy conservation and environmental protection industry has been growing steadily year by year. From about 3 trillion yuan in 2012 to about 4.5 trillion yuan in 2015. The output value of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry was 5.8 trillion yuan in 2017 and exceeded 7 trillion yuan in 2018. The figure rose from 4.5 trillion yuan in 2015 to about 7.5 trillion yuan in 2020, with an average annual growth rate of 15%. It is predicted that the figure will exceed 10 trillion yuan in 2022 and 12.3 trillion yuan in 2023.

Statistical supervision is an important part of the Party and state supervision systems, the meeting said. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), we have made institutional arrangements for improving statistical oversight, investigated and dealt with a large number of violations of discipline and law in statistics, and achieved notable results in statistical oversight. We will strengthen statistical oversight of the implementation of the new development philosophy, the building of a new development landscape, and the promotion of high-quality development, with a focus on monitoring and evaluating the implementation of major national development strategies, the effectiveness of responding to major risks and challenges, and the resolution of major problems reported by the people. We need to speed up the reform of statistical systems and methods, increase the use of modern information technology, lay a solid foundation for grassroots statistics, get a clear picture of the situation, ensure accurate data, and ensure that oversight results stand the test of practice and history. We need to coordinate statistical oversight with discipline oversight, organizational oversight, patrol oversight, and auditing oversight, strengthen work coordination and the use of statistical oversight results, and improve oversight effectiveness.

(Article source: Brokerage China)

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